Cache Operations 4-13
4.5.1 CCR0 Programming Guidelines
Several fields in CCR0 affect ICU and DCU operation. Altering these fields while the cache units are
involved in PLB transfers can cause errant operation, including a processor hang.
To guarantee correct ICU and DCU operation, specific code sequences must be followed when
altering CCR0 fields.
CCR0[IPP, FWOA] affect ICU operation. When these fields are altered, execution of the following
code sequence (Sequence 1) is required.
! Turn off interrupts
mfmsr RM
addis RZ,r0,0x0002 ! CE bit
ori RZ,RZ,0x8000 ! EE bit
andc RZ,RM,RZ ! Turn off MSR[CE,EE]
mtmsr RZ
! sync
! Touch code sequence into i-cache
addis RX,r0,seq1@h
ori RX,RX,seq1@l
icbt r0,RX
! Call function to alter CCR0 bits
b seq1
! Restore MSR to original value
mtmsr RM
! The following function must be in cacheable memory
.align 5 ! Align CCR0 altering code on a cache line boundary.
icbt r0,RX ! Repeat ICBT and execute an ISYNC to guarantee CCR0
isync ! altering code has been completely fetched across the PLB.
mfspr RN,CCR0 ! Read CCR0.
andi/ori RN,RN,0xXXXX ! Execute and/or function to change any CCR0 bits.
! Can use two instructions before having to touch
! in two cache lines.
mtspr CCR0, RN ! Update CCR0.
isync ! Refetch instructions under new processor context.
b back ! Branch back to initialization code.
CCR0[DPP1, U0XE] affect DCU operation. When these fields are altered, execution of the following
code sequence (Sequence 2) is required. Note that Sequence 1 includes Sequence 2, so Sequence
1 can be used to alter any CCR0 fields.