This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
communicating with other networks, then the best choice would be the NetBEUI
protocol. This limitation is due to the fact that NetBEUI is a broadcast-intensive
protocol with no routing capabilities. It can be bridged, increasing the
broadcasting on all bridged subnets.
If you intend to extend your network to the intranet or Internet level with multiple
subnets interconnected via routers, the protocol of choice would be TCP/IP.
Refer to network design texts for more information on this topic.
5.6.4 Selecting Services
After you have selected the adapters and the protocols, you need to select the
Windows NT services required to use your computer as a server in the network.
These services include the following:
NetBIOS Interface
Figure 72. Selecting Services
Additional services you may need include Remote Boot Service and Internet
Information Server. Others can be selected from the list of additional services
by clicking on the Select from list option.
Note: In this example, we did not select any additional services.
You have now completed the networking component selection process and setup
will install the selected components.
100 PC Server and Windows NT Integration Guide