This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
Chapter 4. Installation Using ServerGuide 3.0
ServerGuide is a set of CD-ROMs containing installation tools and code designed
to aid users to install their operating systems with a minimum of effort. It is
included with all new IBM PC Servers.
The current version, ServerGuide 3.0, aids the installation of all major operating
systems and either provides the encrypted operating system code for use after
the purchase of the encryption key, or it aids the installation of the
(customer-supplied) retail version of the operating system.
ServerGuide 3.0 provides encrypted versions of the following:
OS/2 2.11 SMP
LAN Server 4.0 Entry
LAN Server 4.0 Advanced
Windows NT Server 3.51
NetWare from IBM Version 3.12
NetWare from IBM Version 4.1
NetWare from IBM Version 4.1 SMP
SCO Open Server 5.0.2 Enterprise System
SCO SMP Extensions
ServerGuide 3.0 provides aids in the installation of the following
customer-supplied retail packages:
OS/2 2.11 SMP
OS/2 Warp Server Version 4
OS/2 Warp Server Advanced Version 4
Windows NT Server 3.51
Windows NT Server 4.0
NetWare from IBM Version 3.12
NetWare from IBM Version 4.1
NetWare from IBM Version 4.1 SMP
NetWare Version 4.11
SCO Open Server 5.0.2 Enterprise System
In addition, ServerGuide 3.0 provides the following products and installation tools
at no additional charge:
Lotus Notes Release 4.1
Lotus Internotes Publisher
IBM AntiVirus Desktop Edition Version 2.5
APC PowerChute plus
TME 10 NetFinity Manager and Services Version 4.0
Book Factory
Diskette Factory
This redbook discusses the installation of Windows NT Server 4.0.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 71