This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
The System Name field can be any combination of alphanumeric characters
including blanks. It shows the name of the workstation. This name can be
seen later in the management process when monitoring the client groups. It
is used to easily identify your workstations.
Network Drivers
The Network Drivers field automatically shows you all the installed network
device drivers such as NetBIOS, IPX, TCP/IP and serial support. In
parentheses you can find the status of this driver, which means, whether or
not this driver has been activated for TME 10 NetFinity usage. You can
easily activate or deactivate any of the drivers by selecting it with the mouse
and marking the check box Driver Enabled. If TME 10 NetFinity is already
running, you will need to restart it to add the additional protocols.
The Network Driver Configuration window is shown in Figure 86 on
page 112. In this window, you can see that the NetBIOS and TCP/IP drivers
are enabled, which means they can be used by TME 10 NetFinity. The IPX
and serial driver support are installed, but disabled. In this example, we
selected the NetBIOS driver (highlighted) and marked the Driver Enabled
check box. The Network Address field shown in this figure shows some
additional required information depending on the device driver. For
NetBIOS, this will be a NetBIOS name that is used for communication
between the manager and its clients.
System Keywords
The system keywords are not required for TME 10 NetFinity, but it makes life
easier for the network administrators. They are used to identify and group
the workstations and servers within the network. The keywords are used
within a network environment to identify and define groups among the
Network Time-Outs
This defines the timeout interval before you get an error message when you
try to use one of the remote functions of TME 10 NetFinity.
If you click on the Options... button, the NetFinity Options window appears
(Figure 87).
Figure 87. Driver Configurations Options
The options here are:
1. Force Remote Logons
If you are accessing remote workstations, such as a TME 10 NetFinity
Manager, you can choose to save a user ID and a password for the different
Chapter 6. TME 10 NetFinity Overview 113