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Chapter 4. HACMP Installation and Cluster Definition
This chapter describes issues concerning the actual installation of HACMP
Version 4.3 and the definition of a cluster and its resources. It concentrates
on the HACMP part of the installation, so, we will assume AIX is already at
the 4.3.2 level. Please refer to the
AIX Version 4.3: Migration Guide
SG24-5116, for details on installation or migration to that level.
This chapter is meant to give an overview of the steps to be taken, and not to
be a complete handbook for performing these tasks. When actually
performing the HACMP install, the
HACMP for AIX, Version 4.3: Installation
, SC23-4278 should be consulted.
4.1 Installing HACMP
Before installing, you need to ensure that all the prerequisites are met.
Chapter 8 of the
HACMP for AIX, Version 4.3: Installation Guide
, SC23-4278,
gives a detailed list. The AIX Level of the server nodes has to be at AIX 4.3.2,
for example, and the required free space in
/usr must be confirmed. For parts
of the product, like HAView, there are prerequisites for other lpps, nv6000 in
this case, that have to be ensured.
You can install either from the installation media, from an installation server
through Network Installation Management (NIM), or from a hard disk to which
the software has been copied.
You will either be installing the HACMP for AIX software for the first time, or
upgrading from an earlier version. Both of those situations are discussed in
the following sections.
4.1.1 First Time Installs
There are a number of filesets involved in an HACMP Installation. Here is a
short overview of them, and what their purpose is.
• cluster.base
This is the basic component that has to be installed on all server nodes in
the cluster, and it contains the following:
cluster.base.client.lib HACMP Base Client Libraries
cluster.base.client.rte HACMP Base Client Runtime
cluster.base.client.utils HACMP Base Client Utilities
cluster.base.server.diag HACMP Base Server Diags
cluster.base.server.events HACMP Base Server Events
cluster.base.server.rte HACMP Base Server Runtime