172 IBM Certification Study Guide AIX HACMP
If you do not include a location specifier in the location field, the DARE
Resource Migration utility performs a default migration, again making the
resources available for reacquisition.
Stop Location
The second special location keyword, stop, causes a resource group to be
made inactive, preventing it from being reacquired, though it remains in the
resource configuration. Its resources remain unavailable for reacquisition
even after a failover or reintegration. Using the cldare Command to Migrate Resources
cldare command can be used to perform dynamic resource group
migrations to other cluster nodes in conjunction with other
cldare resource
functionality. It lets you specify multiple resource groups and nodes on the
command line, as long as the final resource group configuration is consistent.
After some error checking, the resources are released and reacquired by the
specified cluster nodes. Resource migration first releases all specified
resources (wherever they reside in the cluster); then it reacquires these
resources on the newly specified nodes.
You can also use this command to swap resources on nodes in the resource
group’s node list, but you cannot mix keywords—
default, stop, and
node—when using the cldare command.
To migrate resource groups (and their resources) using the
cldare command,
enter the following command:
-M specifies migration, and where resource group names must be valid
names of resource groups in the cluster. You can specify a node name (or
special location) or the keyword
stop or default after the first colon. The node
name must represent a cluster node that is up and in the resource group’s
node list. You can specify a migration type after the second colon. Repeat this
syntax on the command line for each resource group you want to migrate. Do
not include spaces between arguments.
A default migration can be used to start a cascading resource group that
has INACTIVE_TAKEOVER set to false and that has not yet started
because its primary node is down.
cldare -M <resgroup name>:[location|[default|stop]][:sticky] ...