68 IBM Certification Study Guide AIX HACMP
Adapter Definitions
By issuing the following command, you can check the correct adapter
configuration. In order to work correctly, the adapter must be in the
“Available” state:
The third column in the adapter device line shows the location of the adapter.
Disk Definitions
SSA disk drives are represented in AIX as SSA logical disks (hdisk0,
hdisk1,...,hdiskN) and SSA physical disks (pdisk0, pdisk1,...,pdiskN). SSA
RAID arrays are represented as SSA logical disks (hdisk0, hdisk1,...,hdiskN).
SSA logical disks represent the logical properties of the disk drive or array,
and can have volume groups and file systems mounted on them. SSA
physical disks represent the physical properties of the disk drive. By default,
one pdisk is always configured for each physical disk drive. One hdisk is
configured for each disk drive that is connected to the using system, or for
each array. By default, all disk drives are configured as system (AIX) disk
drives. The array management software can be used to change the disks
from hdisks to array candidate disks or hot spares.
SSA logical disks:
• Are configured as hdisk0, hdisk1,...,hdiskN.
• Support a character special file (/dev/rhdisk0,
• Support a block special file (/dev/hdisk0, /dev/hdisk1,...,/dev/hdiskN).
• Support the I/O Control (IOCTL) subroutine call for non service and
diagnostic functions only.
• Accept the read and write subroutine calls to the special files.
• Can be members of volume groups and have file systems mounted on
In order to list the logical disk definitions, use the following command:
#lsdev -C | grep ssa
ssa0 Available 00-07 SSA Enhanced Adapter
ssar Defined SSA Adapter Router