Chapter 4. Solution Environment 31
Draft Document for Review May 23, 2008 10:14 am 7645SolEnv.fm
Client system
4.2 Typical deployment environments
Maximo Asset Management Essential can be deployed primarily in two different
topologies with in an enterprise.
4.2.1 Single-server
The single-server topology consists of loading all Maximo Asset Management
Essentials components onto one machine. This would be done typically for
proof-of-concept purposes, as a demonstration, or as a learning environment.
For managing enterprise assets and processes, you would typically implement a
multi-server topology.
The following figure details the Application Server MXServer running Maximo
Asset Management Essentials on a single physical machine.
Hardware Software
Intel-based Pentium processor
SVGA 1024 x 768 resolution
Windows Vista (Business, Enterprise,
Ultimate) (32-bit, 64-bit)
Windows XP Professional SP2 (32-bit,
Acrobat Reader 6.0 and above