
7645install.fm Draft Document for Review May 23, 2008 10:14 am
42 Maximo Essentials V7.1 - Implementer’s Guide
1. Installing the required middleware
Through the launchpad, you can install an appropriate configuration of
WebSphere, DB2 and Tivoli Directory Server. Though you can change default
parameters, if you take the default options, the installation of these
middleware components through the launchpad is simple and straightforward.
2. Installing the base services
There are a set of common base services that provide the general functions
for all Maximo-based applications. These base services comprise a set of
modules that reside on an application server. The two supported application
servers are:
BEA WebLogic
IBM WebSphere
and utilize any the following database platforms:
SQL Server 2005
3. The third phase of the installation is to enable or add the Maximo Asset
Management Essentials specific package solutions to the base services
installed in step 2. Again, the launchpad will guide you through this process,
helping ensure that all appropriate parameters are specified for your target
Note: If you used the Launchpad to install the middleware, then the launchpad
will ‘remember’ the configuration that was installed and utilize that to simplify
the installation of the base services.
If you installed the middleware separately and/or used other products namely
Oracle/SQL Server or BEA Weblogic, then you can still use the Launchpad,
but will have to specify the appropriate parameters for the middleware
environment you have installed.