Chapter 5. Installation 57
Draft Document for Review May 23, 2008 10:14 am 7645install.fm
many entries, usually including information about the input parameters and the
substeps invoked.
Logs for substeps
Each step contains one or more substeps. The substeps perform the actual
install, uninstall and checking work for the Tivoli middleware installer.
Each substep is located in the directory <Workspace
/operation/substepNum_substepID, where operation is the ANT target in the step
ANT script that invokes this substep. substepNum is the sequence number of this
substep in the processing order of the step, and substepID identifies the substep.
Typical values for operation are install, uninstall, and check.
The log files for the substep are usually located in a subdirectory named
processID/logs. Log files generated by the native middleware installation
programs will also be kept here.
5.4 Installing Maximo corfe components (TPAP)
This section describes the process to install the core maximo function, formerly
known as Maximo Base Serverces and now called Tivoli Process Automation
Platform through the launchpad.
5.4.1 Maximo Asset Management Essentials Installation Overview
This procedure explains how to use the Maximo Asset Management Essentials
installation program to install Maximo. In addition to configuring new instances of
Maximo middleware products installed by the Tivoli middleware installer, the
Maximo Asset Management Essentials installation program can configure
existing instances of prerequisite products, including those from other vendors,
that you wish to use with Maximo.
The instructions provided are for either a single or multiple machine installation
using default values and assume that you choose to have the Maximo Asset
Management Essentials installation program automatically configure middleware
across multiple machines to work with Maximo.
If you do not allow the Maximo Asset Management Essentials installation
program to automatically configure middleware, it will still perform programmatic
checks to verify that the documented manual steps were performed properly.