
Complex Samples Frequencies
The Complex Samples Frequencies procedure produces frequency tables for selected variables
and displays univariate statistics. Optionally, you can request statistics by subgroups, dened by
one or more categorical variables.
Using Complex Samples Frequencies to Analyze Nutritional
Supplement Usage
A researcher wants to study the use of nutritional supplements among U.S. citizens, using the
results of the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and a previously created analysis plan.
For more information, see the topic Using the Complex Samples Analysis Preparation Wizard to
Ready NHIS Public Data in Chapter 14 on p. 140.
A subset o f the 2000 survey is collected in nhis2000_subset.sav. The analysis plan is stored
in nhis2000_subset.csaplan. For more information, see the topic Sample Files in Appendix A
in IBM SPSS Complex Samples 19. Use Complex Samples Frequencies to produce statistics for
nutritional supplement usage.
Running the Analysis
E To run a Complex Samples Frequencies analysis, from the menus choose:
Analyze > Complex Samples > Frequencies...
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