Sample Files
stroke_clean.sav. This hypothetical data file contains the state of a medical database after it
has been cleaned using procedures in the Data Preparation option.
stroke_invalid.sav. This hypothetical data file contains the initial state of a medical database
and contains several data entry errors.
stroke_survival. This hypothetical data file concerns survival times for patients exiting a
rehabilitation program post-ischemic stroke face a number of challenges. Post-stroke, the
occurrence of myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, or hemorrhagic stroke is noted and the
time of the event recorded. The sample is left-truncated because it only includes patients who
survived through the end of the rehabilitation program administered post-stroke.
stroke_valid.sav. This hypothetical data file contains the state of a medical database after the
values have been checked using the Validate Data procedure. It still contains potentially
anomalous cases.
survey_sample.sav. This data file contains survey data, including demographic data and
various attitude measures. It is based on a subset of variables from the 1998 NORC General
Social Survey, although some data values have been modified and additional fictitious
variables have been added for demonstration purposes.
telco.sav. This is a hypothetical data file that concerns a telecommunications company’s
efforts to reduce churn in their customer base. Each case corresponds to a separate customer
and records various demographic and service usage information.
telco_extra.sav. This data file is similar t o the telco.sav data file, but the “tenure” and
log-transformed customer spending variables have been removed and replaced by
standardized log-transformed customer spending variables.
telco_missing.sav. This data file is a subset of the telco.sav data file, but some of the
demographic data values have been replaced with missing values.
testmarket.sav. This hypothetical data file concerns a fast food chain’s plans to add a new item
to its menu. There are three possible campaigns for promoting the new product, so the new
item is introduced at locations in several randomly selected markets. A different promotion
is used at each location, and the weekly sales of the new item are recorded for the first four
weeks. Each case corresponds to a separate location-week.
testmarket_1month.sav. This hypothetical data file is the testmarket.sav data file with the
weekly sales “rolled-up” so that each case corresponds to a separate location. Some of the
variables t hat changed weekly disappear as a result, and the sales recorded is now the sum of
the sales during the four weeks of the study.
tree_car.sav. This is a hypothetical data file containing demographic and vehicle purchase
price data.
tree_credit.sav. This is a hypothetical data file containing demographic and bank loan history
tree_missing_data.sav This is a hypothetical data file containing demographic and bank loan
history data with a large number of missing values.
tree_score_car.sav. This is a hypothetical data file containing demographic and vehicle
purchase price data.
tree_textdata.sav. Asimpledatafile with only two variables intended primarily to show the
default state of variables prior to assignment of measurement level and value labels.