Chapter 22
The confidence intervals for [mi=0] and [mi=1] do not overlap with the interval for [mi=2],
and none of them include 0. Therefore, it appears that the hazard for patients with one or no
prior mi’s is distinguishable from the hazard for patients with two prior mi’s, which in turn is
distinguishable from the hazard for patients with three prior mi’s.
Similar relationships hold for the levels of is and hs, where increasing the number of prior
incidents increases the hazard of death.
Pattern Values
Figure 22-52
Pattern values
The pattern values table lists the values that define each predictor pattern. In addition to the
predictors in the model, the start and end times for the survival interval are displayed. For analyses
run from the dialogs, the start and end times will always be 0 and unbounded, respectively;
through syntax you can specify piecewise constant predictor paths.
The reference pattern is set at the reference category f or each factor and the mean value of
each covariate (there are no covariates in this model). For this dataset, the combination of
factors shown for the reference model cannot occur, so we will ignore the log-minus-log plot
for the reference pattern.
Patterns 1.1 through 1.4 differ only on the value of History of myocardial infarction.A
separate pattern (and separate line in the requested plot) is created for each value of History of
myocardial infarction while the other variables are held constant.