Technical Product Specification 33
Order #273817
Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0001 High Performance Single Board Computer
Table 3. SEL Events Supported by the MPCBL0001 SBC (Sheet 1 of 4)
Type Code
Offset (Event
Data 1, Bit 0-3)
Event Remarks
Reserved 00h - Reserved -
Temperature 01h - Temperature Threshold exceeded for upper critical, upper non-
critical, lower critical and lower non-critical
thresholds. Refer to Table 4, “Sensor Thresholds for
IPMC Firmware 1.0” on page 37 for sensor
thresholds data.
Voltage 02h - Voltage Voltage exceeded upper critical, upper non-critical,
lower critical and lower non-critical thresholds. Refer
to Table 4 for sensor thresholds data.
Processor 07h 00h IERR Processor IERR has occurred.
01h Thermal Trip Processor thermal trip has occurred.
04h FRB3/Processor Startup/
Initialization Failure
(CPU did not start)
An FRB3 Timer (30 seconds) was implemented to
detect the failure of the CPUs from booting.
Event data 3 = Last Post 80 code byte
05h Configuration Error CPU 0 and CPU 1 are not present.
07h Processor Presence
09h Terminator Presence
Power Unit 01h 00h Power Off/Power On Normal power off indication. Offset 0 is just a status
indicating that the payload power is off. It does not
generate an event when it is set. (For internal use).
05h Soft Power Control
Failure (unit did not
respond to request to
turn on)
The Power Unit sensor is used to detect when the
Payload power does not come up when the board is
told to power on.
When the board enters M4 state, the IPMC asserts a
Power Enable line to cause the Payload to power up.
The IPMC then waits for another line that indicates
that the power has come up successfully. If that line
does not assert within 2 seconds, then offset 05h is
asserted on the Power Unit sensor, which generates
an event to notify the Shelf Manager of the failure.
Memory 0Ch 00h Correctable ECC Event data 3 = DIMM pair number
00 refers to J8/J9
01 refers to J10/J11
01h Uncorrectable ECC Event data 3 = DIMM pair number
00 refers to J8/J9
01 refers to J10/J11
1. These sensor offsets do not generate events, but they are valid offsets when reading the sensor values.
2. Watchdog sensor refers to WDT#1 per Section 3.13.1.