Technical Product Specification 45
Order #273817
Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0001 High Performance Single Board Computer
3.3 Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) Information
The FRU Information provides inventory data about the boards where the FRU Information Device
is located. The part number or version number can be read through software.
FRU information in the MPCBL0001 includes data describing the MPCBL0001 board as per
PICMG 3.0 Specification requirements. Additional multirecords will be added for the BIOS to
write CPU information, BIOS version number, and PMC information to FRU data correctly. This
information is retrieved by shelf manager (ShMC), enabling reporting of board-specific
information through an out-of-band mechanism.
Following are the definitions for the multirecord implemented by the firmware as part of FRU data.
Table 10. FRU Multirecord Data for CPU/RAM/PMC/BIOS Version Information
Variable Size (bytes) Data Type
Manufacturer ID
(Intel IANA number)
3 0x000157
(LSB first, MSB next)
Record Version 1 1 Binary
Type/Length 1 1 Binary
CPU Numbers 1 x Binary
Type/Length 1 2 Binary
RAM Info 2 X (in units of 1 MByte) Binary
Type/Length 1 (5 * XXX) + 1 Binary
Number of PMCs 1 XXX Binary
PMC Info 5*XXX PMC_Data Binary
Type/Length 1 0xFF Binary
BIOS Version 63 (max) yyyyyyyy ASC-II
End of Fields 1 0xC1 Binary
Table 11. PMC Data
Variable Size (bytes) Data Type
Device ID 2 XX Binary
Vendor ID 2 XX Binary
PMC Installed? 1 0 (PMC is not installed)
1 (PMC is installed)