Technical Product Specification 67
Order #273817
Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0001 High Performance Single Board Computer
3.14.4 IDE Drive Activity LED
3.14.5 User Programmable LEDs
The MPCBL0001 SBC provides two bicolor LEDs for user-programmable functions. The LEDs
can be driven to display a red, green or amber color. When these LEDs are lit, they indicate a status
of a user-defined function.
The user-programmable LEDs are connected to the GPIO pins on the ICH3 device as follows:
By programming the ICH3 GPIO registers as outputs, then selecting the appropriate state (low for
illumination, high for off), the user enables the LEDs as required. Refer to the ICH3 datasheet in
appendix B for specific GPIO 20, 21, 23, 28 register information.
Table 28. IDE Drive Activity LED
LED Status Meaning
Off Normal/No disk access
Green (Blinking) Disk access (read/write activity)
Table 29. User Programmable LEDs
LED Status (left) LED Status (right) Meaning
Off Off No Status
Red Red/Green Active Status of user defined function
Table 30. GPIO Pin Connections
PIN GPIO Pin Default Value LED Color
User_Prog_LED1_Red# GPIO21 1 Off
User_Prog_LED1_GRN# GPIO20 1 Off
User_Prog_LED2_Red# GPIO28 1 Off
User_Prog_LED2_GRN# GPIO23 0 Green