Usage Notes
Release Notes for VPN Client, Release 4.0 through Release 4.0.5.D
Asante FR3004 Cable/DSL Routers Require Asante Firmware Version 2.15 or Later
Versions of the Asante firmware caused a problem with rekeying and keepalives
when a VPN Client had an all-or-nothing connection to a VPN Concentrator
through an Asante FR3004 Cable/DSL router. Version 2.15 (or later) of the
Asante firmware resolves these issues. For more information about Asante
cable/DSL routers, see the following Web sites:
• http://www.asante.com/products/routers/index.html
• http://www.practicallynetworked.com/pg/router_guide_index.asp
Using Nexland Cable/DSL Routers for Multiple Client Connections
All Nexland Pro routers support passing multiple IPSec sessions through to Cisco
VPN 3000 Series Concentrators. To enable this function, the Nexland user must
select IPSec Type 2SPI-C on the Nexland options page.
The discontinued Nexland ISB2LAN product correctly handles a single
connection, but problems can occur when attempting to make multiple client
connections to the same Secure Gateway from behind an ISB2LAN Nexland
Cable/DSL router. Nexland has fixed this problem in the Nexland Pro series of
routers (CSCdt10266).
Cert DN Matching Cannot Match on Email Field EA
You cannot match on the Cert DN field (EA) when using the Peer Cert DN
Verification feature because the VPN Concentrator does not assign a value to that
field (CSCdx25994).
VPN Dialer Application Can Load During OS Shutdown or Restart
When using the VPN Client’s Start Before Logon feature (Windows NT, Windows
2000, or Windows XP) in “fallback” mode, the VPN dialer application loads
during a shutdown or restart of the operating system. This will not cause any
problems and can be ignored (CSCdu02071).