Caveats Resolved in Release 4.0.2.A
Release Notes for VPN Client, Release 4.0 through Release 4.0.5.D
• CSCeb52019
DNS suffix search list gets replaced when CVPN Client 4.x is used for VPN
tunnel establishment.
• CSCeb54855
Unable to autopopulate the CertSerialHash value in the .PCF file. The
customer creates a customized profile and installs the certificate in the
Personal store on the PC. When the end user uses the VPN Client for first
time, it does not populate the CERTSERIALHASH value under the .PCF file,
which was working in earlier code.
Caveats Resolved in Release 4.0.2.A
Release 4.0.2.A resolves the following issues:
• CSCeb35709
The VPN Client does not handle stdin / stdout data correctly.
• CSCeb38492
The VPN Client user interface terminates unexpectedly with the following
error when a third-party dialer is misconfigured or the Client can't find the
dialer at the path specified:
vpngui.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will
need to restart the application. An error log is being created.
If you specify the path correctly, the error does not occur.
• CSCeb39137
The TunnelEstablished flag is set to 1 (Connected) before user has accepted
the banner. This is an issue now that Release 4.0 prevents communication
across the tunnel before the banner is acknowledged.