Release Notes for VPN Client, Release 4.0 through Release 4.0.5.D
Caveats Resolved in Release 4.0.1
• CSCeb35613
Cvpnd.exe (Cisco VPN Service) crashes when trying to establish a tunnel. If
you run into this problem, the last entry in the logs should say:
Unable to forward xAuth request data to xAuth application. Error code
<error code>
This generally occurs if a severe error is encountered while trying to XAuth.
Specifically, this happens if we can't spawn a process to do XAuth. Some
reasons for that would be if some of the VPN Client execuatbles files are
deleted or modified.
• CSCeb37036
On rare occasions, the Release 4.0 VPN Client disconnects the tunnel right
after establishing it. This happens only when using a dialup connection to
Internet (or PPPoE).
The following messages appear in the VPN Client logs:
05 14:04:02.745 06/11/03 Sev=Warning/3 CM/0xA310002C
Adapter address changed from <IP Address>. Current address(es): <Current
IP Addresses>.
• CSCec43986
After upgrading to 4.0.1D or E concentrator tries to authenticate users to the
Base Group instead of the defined group.
Errors seen on the logs add extra characters to the GROUP.
Caveats Resolved in Release 4.0.1
Release 4.0.1 fixes the following issues that existed in earlier software releases:
• CSCea39719
When the vpnclient.ini has the setting, “StatefulFirewallAllowICMP=1”, and
StatefulFirewall (Always On) is suspended, then resumed, the Stateful
Firewall does not allow ICMP traffic to pass unless the service is stopped and