Cylinder Head
Cylinder Compression Measurement
Use the battery which is fully charged.
Warm up the engine thoroughly.
Stop the engine.
Fuel Tank (see Fuel Tank Removal in the Fuel System
(DFI) chapter)
Air Cleaner Housing (Air Cleaner Housing Removal in
the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Stick Coils (see Stick Coil (Ignition Coil together with
Spark Plug Cap Removal in the Electrical System chap-
Spark Plugs (see Spark Plug Replacement in the Peri-
odic Maintenance chapter)
Attach the compression gauge [A] and adapter [B] firmly
into the spark plug hole.
Using the starter motor, turn the engine over with the throt-
tle fully open until the compression gauge stops rising; the
compression is the highest reading obtainable.
Special Tools - Compression Gauge, 20 kgf/cm²: 57001-221
Compressio n Gauge Adapter, M10 × 1.0:
L-Shape Hose: 57001-1606
Cylinder Compression
Usable Range:
1 100 ∼ 1 670 kPa (11.2 ∼ 17.0 kgf/cm²,
159 ∼ 242 psi) at 20 r/min (rpm)
Repeat the measurement for the other cylinders.
Install the spark plugs.
Torque - Spark Plugs: 13 N·m (1.3 kgf·m, 115 in·lb)
The following table should be consulted if the obtainable compression reading is not within the us-
able range.
Problem Diagnosis Remedy (Action)
Carbon accumulation on piston and in
combustion chamber possibly due to
damaged valve stem oil seal and/or
damaged piston oil rings (This may be
indicated by white exhaust smoke).
Remove the carbon deposits and
replace damaged parts if necessary.
is higher than
usable range
Incorrect cylinder head gasket thickness Replace the gasket with a standard part.
Gas leakage around cylinder head Replace damaged check gasket and
cylinder head warp.
Bad condition of valve seating Repair i f necessary.
Incorrect valve clearance Adjust the valve clearance.
Incorrect piston/cylinder clearance Replace the piston and/or cylinder.
Piston seizure Inspect the cylinder and replace/repair
the cylinder and/or piston as necessary.
is lower than
usable range
Bad condition of piston ring and/or piston
ring grooves
Replace the piston and/or the piston