
Sending Functions
Border Erase
Use Border Erase to remove black shadows that appear around the outside of the original when scanning and
sending originals. The following options can be selected.
Border Erase Sheet
Erases black borders around the single sheet original.
Border Erase Book
Erases black borders around the edges and in the
middle of the original such as a thick book. You can
specify the widths individually to erase the borders
around the edges and in the center of the book.
Individual Border Erase
Specify border erase widths individually for all edges.
In each option, the available ranges are as below.
Original Copy
Original Copy
Original Copy
Input units Border Erase Range
Inch models 0 to 2" (in 0.01" increments)
Metric models 0 mm to 50 mm (in 1-mm increments)