Paper Type
To identify the type of paper installed in each paper source.
Use this menu item to:
• Optimize print quality for the specified paper.
• Select paper sources through your software application by selecting type and size.
• Automatically link paper sources. Any sources containing the same type and size of paper are
automatically linked by the printer if you have set the Paper Size and the Paper Type to the
correct values.
1 Select a paper source. Tray <x> Type
Manual Pap Type
MP Feeder Type
Manual Env Type
2 Select a value. Plain Paper
Card Stock
Custom Type <x>
Glossy Paper
Colored Paper
The Paper Type default for each
envelope source is Envelope. The
Paper Type default for each paper tray
is as follows:
Note: If a user-defined name is
available, it is displayed instead of
Custom Type <x>. The user-defined
name is truncated to 14 characters. If
two or more custom types share the
same name, the name only appears
once in the Paper Type value list.
Tray 1–Plain Paper
Tray 2–Custom Type 2
Tray 3–Custom Type 3
Tray 4–Custom Type 4
Manual Pap Type–Custom Type 6
Menu Item Purpose Values