Paper Weight
To identify the relative weight of the paper loaded in a specific source and ensure that the toner
adheres properly to the printed page.
1 Select a paper type.
Note: If a user-defined name is
available, it is displayed instead of
Custom <x> Weight. The name is
truncated to 14 characters.
Plain Weight
CardStock Weight
Trnsprncy Weight
Preprint Weight
Colored Weight
Custom <x> Weight
Bond Weight
Envelope Weight
Glossy Weight
Labels Weight
Ltrhead Weight
2 Select a value. Light
To have the printer substitute the
specified paper size if the requested
size is not loaded.
Off Printer prompts the user to load the
requested paper size.
Statement/A5 Prints A5 size jobs on statement size
paper if only statement size paper is
loaded, and prints statement size jobs
on A5 paper if only A5 paper is loaded.
Letter/A4 Prints A4 size jobs on letter size paper
if only letter size paper is loaded, and
prints letter size jobs on A4 size paper
if only A4 size paper is loaded.
All Listed* Substitutes Letter/A4 and
To determine the default size when the Paper Size setting for a tray or feeder is Universal.
1 Select a unit of measure.
(* Denotes a country/region-specific
factory default value)
2 Select the values. Portrait Width =3.00–14.17 in. (8.5 in.*)
=76–360 mm (216 mm*)
Portrait Height =3.00–14.17 in. (14.17 in.*)
=76–360 mm (360 mm*)
Feed Direction =Short Edge*
=Long Edge
Menu Item Purpose Values