No Jobs Found.
The four-digit personal identification
number (PIN) you entered is not
associated with any confidential print
•Press Go to enter another PIN.
•Press Stop to clear the PIN entry
See also: Holding a job in the printer
Not Ready
The printer is not ready to receive or
process data. Someone pressed Stop
to take the printer offline.
Press Go to make the printer ready to
receive jobs.
Ovrflow Bin Full
The mailbox’s designated overflow bin
is full.
Remove the stack of paper from the bin to
clear the message.
Parallel <x>
A parallel interface is the active
communication link.
Wait for the message to clear.
Performing Self Test
The printer is running the series of
start-up tests it performs after it is
turned on.
Wait for the message to clear.
Power Saver
The printer is ready to receive and
process data. It is reducing its
electricity consumption while idle. If
the printer remains inactive for the
period of time specified in the Power
Saver menu item (20 minutes is the
factory default), the Power Saver
message replaces the Ready message
on the display.
• Send a job to print.
•Press Go to quickly warm the printer to
normal operating temperature and
display the Ready message.
Printer Calibrating
The printer is adjusting the color tables
to correct variations caused by
environmental conditions.
Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Color Menu
Print Jobs on Disk
Jobs that were spooled to the hard
disk before the printer was last turned
off have not yet printed.
•Press Go to print the jobs.
•Press Return or Stop to delete the jobs
from the hard disk without printing them.
Printing Alignment
The printer is processing or printing a
test page that shows alignment values.
Wait until the page has completed printing.
See also: <x> Alignment; Aligning the
image transfer unit
Printing Directory List
The printer is processing or printing a
directory of all files stored in flash
memory or on a hard disk.
Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Print Directory
Printing Font List
The printer is processing or printing a
list of all available fonts for the
specified printer language.
Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Print Fonts
Printing Job
Accounting Stat
The printer is processing or printing all
job accounting statistics stored on the
hard disk.
Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Job Acct Stat
Printing Menu
The printer is processing or printing
the menu settings page.
Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Print Menus; Printing a menu
settings page
Prog Engine Code
The printer is programming new code
into the flash memory.
Wait for the message to clear.
Warning: Do not turn the printer off while
this message is displayed.
Message What this message means What you can do