Diagnostic Aids 3-9
Perform the following steps to change the Parallel Mode 1 setting:
1. Enter the configuration mode.
2. Perform a double click button press five times. This moves to
the Parallel Mode 1 item on the configuration menu. The Parallel
Mode 1 (Ready) LED is blinking.
3. The current Parallel Mode 1 setting is indicated by the Off/On/
Auto (Press Button) LED. When the LED is off, the Parallel
Mode 1 is set to off. When the LED is *on, the Parallel Mode 1 is
set to on. Perform a brief button press to select the Parallel
Mode 1 setting.
4. Perform a long button press. All LEDs blink once, indicating the
setting is saved.
5. Exit the configuration mode by turning the printer power off.
Parallel Mode 2
Parallel Mode 2 controls whether or not the parallel port data is
sampled on the leading or trailing edge of strobe. The default is to
sample on the leading edge of strobe, however, some IBM clone
PC’s assumes that a printer will sample on the trailing edge.
Perform the following steps to change the Parallel Mode 2 setting:
1. Enter the configuration mode.
2. Perform a double click button press six times. This moves to the
Parallel Mode 2 item on the configuration menu. The Parallel
Mode 2 (Data) LED is blinking.
3. The current Parallel Mode 2 setting is indicated by the Off/On/
Auto (Press Button) LED. When the LED is off, the Parallel
Mode 2 is set to sample on trailing edge. When the LED is *on,
the Parallel Mode 2 is set to sample on leading edge. Perform a
brief button press to select the Parallel Mode 2 setting.
4. Perform a long button press. All LEDs blink once, indicating the
setting is saved.
5. Exit the configuration mode by turning the printer power off.
Parallel Strobe
This setting allows the user to adjust the factory setting for the
amount of time strobe is sampled to determine that valid data is