OMH-6722B 1
This manual contains operation and maintenance information for the OMH-6722B
Silicon Power / Wave Head. The OMH-6722B may be used in conjunction with
either the OMM-6810B Optical Multimeter or the LWM-6500B Laser Wavelength
Meter. To get started immediately, first read Appendix B of the OMM-6810B
Instruction Manual.
Product Overview
The OMH-6722B Silicon Power/WaveHead, when coupled to an OMM-6810B
Optical Multimeter, provides the capability to accurately measure the power and
wavelength of laser sources between 400 and 1100 nm. The OMH-6722B is
calibrated to NIST traceable power and wavelength standards to ensure accuracy.
The OMH-6722B can also be used with the LWM-6500B to measure wavelength
Easy mounting, quick setup and alignment, and a two meter cable make the ILX
Lightwave Optical Measurement Head easy to integrate into an experiment. The
instrument can be integrated with other equipment via the optional GPIB/IEEE-
488.2 interface. The 6722B can also be used for fiber optic measurement
applications via an optional fiber optic adapter.
Safety Considerations
The high brightness, sometimes invisible light output of laser diodes and other
laser sources poses a definite eye hazard. Direct viewing of the laser output can
produce retinal or corneal damage. Absorption of the laser light by the eye
causes localized heating and denaturing of tissue proteins. The ANSI publication
Z-136.1, "The Safe Use of Lasers", lists Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
levels for direct, or intrabeam viewing of laser beams. From the MPE levels, a
"hazard zone" may be computed for a particular laser and exposure time.