OMH-6722B 15
This chapter is a guide to the usage of the device-dependent GPIB commands for
the OMM-6810B Optical Multimeter when the OMH-6722B Silicon Power Head is
attached. This chapter is of primary interest to users who wish to utilize the GPIB
option. A complete reference describing the syntax and usage of each device-
dependent command is provided in Chapter 4 of the OMM-6810B Instruction
Manual. Refer to the LWM-6500B Instruction Manual if the OMH-6722B is being
used in conjunction withe the Laser Wavelength Meter.
Common Commands
The GPIB Common Commands which are defined by the ANSI/IEEE-488.2-1987
standard are described in Chapter 3 of the OMM-6810B Instruction Manual.
These commands do not necessarily reflect front panel operations and are not
unique to the measurement head connected to the meter. In other words, the
common commands listed in the 6810B Instruction Manual are all valid when
using the OMH-6722B.
Device-Dependent Commands
Chapter 4 of the OMM-6810B Instruction Manual contains the complete set of
device-dependent GPIB commands. Table 4.1 on the next page outlines the
subset of commands which are valid when the OMH-6722B is attached. The
command path
tree structure is illustrated in Figure 4.1.
Note: The usage and syntax of each device dependent command is best described in
Chapter 4 of the OMM-6810B Optical Multimeter Instruction Manual.