With the possibility to reactivate the primary alarming device, you can repeat a prematurely inter-
rupted evacuation alarm of a building without activating a new alarm as long as the fire alarm is still
displayed on the control panel! After resetting the fire alarm, the repetition of the evacuation alarm is
only possible by renewed activation of an alarm.
All other alarming devices are operated exclusively by the use of the menu.
Further operating functions for the primary alarming device (e.g., disablement) are possible by the use
of the menu. See from page 43 in Chapter 4.7.10: "Displaying and operating alarming devices - menu
point [Alarming device:]".
Note the difference between silencing and resetting (which are valid only for the current event), and
disablement (which is an enduring condition, terminated only by the enablement) of a part of the sys-
tem, e.g., an alarming device!
4.2.4 Alarm delay procedure of the primary transmitting device
If there is no current fire alarm you can switch the corresponding primary transmitting device between
day-operation (light-emitting diode 'Alarm delay' is illuminated) and night-operation (light-emitting di-
ode 'Alarm delay' is not illuminated) by pressing the button 'Alarm delay/Explore'.
During night-operation, an incoming alarm message activates the corresponding primary transmitting
device immediately if the parameters of this alarm message have been set to activate the transmitting
During day-operation, an incoming alarm message activates the corresponding primary transmitting de-
vice, delayed by the span of time for reaction, if the parameters of this alarm message have been set to
activate the transmitting device.
Is the button 'Alarm delay/Explore' pressed during the time for reaction (this means, before the trans-
mitting device has been activated), the control panel switches to "exploring" and extends the delay
time. During this extended delay time (the exploration time), the responsible persons can locally decide
if it is necessary to contact the fire brigade. If this is not necessary, the contacting of the fire brigade
can be forestalled by disabling the alarming detector zone. Is the delay time elapsed without the alarm
having been reset, the fire brigade is contacted.
During running exploration time you can display the time remaining till activation of the transmitting
device on the LC-display by pressing the button 'Alarm delay/Explore'.
Is another alarm or fault message received during this delay, the delay is automatically interrupted and
the fire brigade is contacted immediately.
The light-emitting diode 'Activated', located in the field TRANSM. DEVICE 1, is illuminated during
day-operation only after the exploration time has elapsed or has been interrupted.
The delay times are often regulated exactly by local or country specific directives. Typical values are
30 seconds for reaction time and 270 seconds for exploration time. In addition, specific organizatorial
measures are often mandated as well.
Alarm messages originating from manual call points, from detectors in two-zone dependency, detec-
tors in interdependence of two detectors and from automatic extinguishing systems are transmitted to
the fire brigade without delay, even if the alarm operation is activated!
For switching between day- and night-operation, authorization level 2 is needed; "exploring" can be ac-
tivated in authorization level 1 as well.
This switch can be influenced by the internal timer of the control panel: The timer with weekly pro-
gram releases a time window in which the user can switch between day- and night-operation as he
likes. Outside this time window, the timer switches directly to night-operation and fixes this condition.
The switching times are entered on the control panel by the installer when putting the control panel into
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
Chapter 4 • Basic operation of the fire detection control panels Series BC216 User Manual Series BC216 / Part A