in the expansion of the area surveilled require careful replanning and adaptation of the fire detection
The fire detection system has to be checked and maintained regularly (at least once a year) by trained
and skilled personnel in order to maintain its functions and to avoid false alarms.
For planning, installing, modifying, maintaining and servicing your fire detection system, be
sure to commission only specialists who are demonstrably trained specifically for the functions
of the fire detection control panel BC216-1 or BCnet216 by Labor Strauss Sicherungsanlagen-
bau Ges.m.b.H. Wien (LST), or by persons being explicitly authorized by LST.
The control panel has to be protected from moisture and damage of any kind. It is to be installed in a
dry and clean room easy accessible to the safety personnel. The temperature has to be within the range
of -5°C and +50°C. For the fire detection control panel BCnet216, whose components are usually
spread in the surveilled area, these requirements are equally valid for all components of the control
Do not use corrosive or abrasive cleaners for cleaning the case or the keypad; use only mild household
cleaners. Water or other fluids under no circumstances may enter the interior of the case!
Prior to opening a case, the mains voltage of the regarding case has to be shut down and secured
against restart!
Consider that, if the mains voltage is connected, there are parts in the open case of the
control panel that carry life-endangering voltage! The protective case of these parts may never be
Further security hints for the installer are given in Part B of this User Manual.
1.2.1 What to do in case of a fire alarm
Keep calm in case of a fire alarm. Silence the internal buzzer of the control panel BC216-1 or of all
BCnet sectional control panels of the network control panel BCnet216 by using the button 'Silence
buzzer'. All further actions such as, e.g., identifying the alarming detector zone, activating the delay
time, exploring the fire location, starting to extinguish the fire, instructing the fire brigade, etc., depend
on the local circumstances. These actions - summarily called "organization in case of an alarm" - are to
be determined by both the user of the system and the fire brigade at the time when the control panel is
planned and put in operation. If the light-emitting diode 'Call fire brigade' is illuminated on the fire de-
tection control panel or your fire detection system is not connected to a permanently manned desig-
nated alarm respondent (e.g., the fire brigade), you have to notify the fire brigade yourself immediately.
Further hints are given starting page 50 in Chapter 5.2: "Fire alarm condition".
1.2.2 What to do in case of a fault
The fire detection control panel Series BC216 as well as the connected components of your whole fire
detection system are in operation for 24 hours a day - over many years. Although the components have
been built with highest care and are checked thoroughly and regularly during maintenance, faults can
occur due to such factors as dirty fire detectors, malfunctioning components, damage, etc. Different
faults have different effects on the functioning of the alarm system, ranging from "no effect" to "com-
plete shutdown" of the fire detection system.
In order to maintain the most important functions of the control panel in case of malfunctions in single
parts of the control panel, the manufacturer has included elaborate security-measures that were devel-
oped during many years of experience with fire alarm technology. Nevertheless, a total guarantee for
the proper working of the control panel in case of a fault cannot be given, especially if two or more
malfunctions occur simultaneously.
If the display or a light-emitting diode indicates a fault, you have to assume that the corresponding part
of the system does not work. Make sure that the system is reconditioned fast. In some cases, such as,
e.g., a mains power fault message, caused by erroneous shutdown, the reconditioning may be carried
out by yourself. In most cases, however, you will have to commission a trained and authorized special-
ized company (preferably the company that performs the periodic maintenance of your system) to carry
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
User Manual Series BC216 / Part A Chapter 1 • Introduction