1 Introduction
Decades of research and development of LST in the field of fire detection control panel technology and
the successful cooperation with renowned international test authorities led to the development of the
new fire detection control panels BC216-1 and BCnet216 of LST.
The fire detection control panel BC216-1 was drafted as a compact control panel for application in fire
detection systems of small and medium size. The control panel BCnet216 is based on the successful
concept of the BC216-1 and additionally offers all advantages of a modern network technology. It con-
sists of several sectional control panels which are allocated exactly where they are needed most - in the
vicinity of the fire detectors. This "network" control panel is applied in fire detection systems of me-
dium to very large size and spatially highly ramified systems. Due to network technology the connec-
tions of the fire detectors to the control panel can be established vastly more efficient than in
conventional fire detection technology.
Due to the modular structure of the control panels these products of high quality can be combined to
highly flexible systems of fire detection technology. Besides less cabling work, the failure safety of the
system is vastly improved by combining several intelligent sectional control panels to an overall system
by means of network technology.
The high failure safety, the modular structure using standardized components, the simplicity of opera-
tion but also the high quality standards of LST for development and manufacture classify the fire detec-
tion control panels BC216-1 and BCnet216 as the most modern high performance control panels
available in the world.
Figure 1: Front view of the fire detection control panel Series BC216
The User Manual for the fire detection control panels BC216-1 and BCnet216 which are collectively
referred to as "Series BC216" in this User Manual consists of three parts:
The second chapter of the first part ("Part A") sums up the main features for the
of the fire de-
tection control panel Series BC216. Chapters 3 through 5 give detailed descriptions and clear oper-
ating instructions of the functions of the control panel. Hints to protect the working of the fire
detection system are given starting page 65 in Chapter 6: "Ensuring the efficacy of the system by the
user". Be sure to pay attention to the safety instructions starting page 8 in Chapter 1.2: "Important
hints for the user and the installer"!
The second part of the User Manual ("Part B") gives the authorized
of fire detection sys-
tems the information necessary for planning the setup of the control panel as well as for installing
and assembling the fire detection control panel.
The third part of the User Manual ("Part C") supplies the information necessary for the trained in-
staller for putting the control panel into operation, for setting the parameters and for maintenance of
the control panel.
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
User Manual Series BC216 / Part A Chapter 1 • Introduction