Monitor display and monitor output signal
(4) Cumulative power monitor and clear (Pr. 170, Pr. 891)
⋅ On the cumulative power monitor (Pr. 52 = "25"), the output power is added up and updated every hour.
⋅ The
operation panel (FR-DU07), parameter unit (FR-PU04, FR-PU07) and communication (RS-485 communication,
communication option)
display increments and display ranges are as indicated below.
⋅ The monitor data digit can be shifted to the right by the number of Pr. 891 settings.
For example, if the cumulative power value is 1278.56kWh when Pr. 891 = "2", the PU/DU display is 12.78 (display
in 100kWh increments) and the communication data is 12.
⋅ If the maximum value is exceeded at Pr. 891 = "0 to 4", the monitor value is clamped at the maximum value,
indicating that a digit shift is necessary. If the maximum value is exceeded at Pr. 891 = "9999", the monitor value
returns to 0 and is recounted.
If the maximum value is exceeded at Pr. 891 = "9999", the monitor value returns to 0 and is recounted.
⋅ Writing "0" in Pr. 170 clears the cumulative power monitor.
(5) Cumulative energization time and actual operation time monitor (Pr. 171, Pr. 563, Pr. 564)
⋅ On the cumulative energization time monitor (Pr. 52 = "20"), the inverter running time is added up every hour.
⋅ On the actual operation time monitor (Pr. 52 = "23"), the inverter running time is added up every hour. (Time is not
added up during a stop.)
⋅ If the numbers of monitor value exceeds 65535, it is added up from 0. You can check the numbers of cumulative
energization time monitor exceeded 65535h with Pr. 563 and the numbers of actual operation time monitor
exceeded 65535h with Pr. 564.
⋅ Writing "0" in Pr. 171 clears the actual operation time monitor. (Energization time monitor cannot be cleared.)
(6) You can select the decimal digits of the monitor (Pr. 268)
⋅ As the operation panel (FR-DU07) display is 4 digits long, the decimal places may vary at analog input, etc. The
decimal places can be hidden by selecting the decimal digits.
In such a case, the decimal digits can be selected by Pr. 268.
Operation Panel *1 Parameter Unit *2 Communication
Range Increments Range Increments
Pr. 170 = 10 Pr. 170 = 9999
0 to 99.99kWh 0.01kWh 0 to 999.99kWh 0.01kWh
0 to 9999kWh
0 to 65535kWh
(initial value)
1kWh100.0 to 999.9kWh 0.1kWh 1000.0 to 9999.9kWh 0.1kWh
1000 to 9999kWh 1kWh 10000 to 99999kWh 1kWh
*1 Power is measured in the range 0 to 9999.99kWh, and displayed in 4 digits.
When the monitor value exceeds "99.99", a carry occurs, e.g. "100.0", so the value is displayed in 0.1kWh increments.
*2 Power is measured in the range 0 to 99999.99.99kWh, and displayed in 5 digits.
When the monitor value exceeds "999.99", a carry occurs, e.g. "1000.0", so the value is displayed in 0.1kWh increments.
⋅ If "0" is written in Pr. 170 and Pr. 170 is read again, "9999" or "10" is displayed.
⋅ The cumulative energization time does not increase if the power is ON for less than an hour.
⋅ The actual operation time does not increase if the cumulative running time during power-ON status is less than an hour.
⋅ If "0" is written in Pr. 171 and Pr. 171 is read again, "9999" is always displayed. Setting "9999" does not clear the actual operation
time meter.
Pr. 268 Setting Description
9999 (initial value) No function
When 1 or 2 decimal places (0.1 increments or 0.01 increments) are monitored, the decimal places are
dropped and the monitor displays an integer value (1 increments).
The monitor value of 0.99 or less is displayed as 0.
When 2 decimal places (0.01 increments) are monitored, the 0.01 decimal place is dropped and the
monitor displays the first decimal place (0.1 increments).
When the monitor display digit is originally in 1 increments, it is displayed unchanged in 1 increments.
⋅ The number of display digits on the cumulative energization time (Pr. 52 = "20"), actual operation time (Pr. 52 = "23"), cumulative
power (Pr. 52 = "25") or cumulative saving power monitor (Pr. 52 = "51") does not change.
♦ Parameters referred to ♦
Pr. 30 Regenerative function selection, Pr. 70 Special regenerative brake duty Refer to page 207
Pr. 37 Speed display, Pr. 144 Speed setting switchover Refer to page 251
Pr. 55 Frequency monitoring reference, Pr. 56 Current monitoring reference, Pr. 866 Torque monitoring reference Refer to page 259
Pr. 291 Pulse train I/O selection Refer to page 259