(6) Motor temperature monitor output (when using a dedicated vector motor with thermistor
and FR-A7AZ)
The change applies to the December 2010 production or later.
When using a dedicated vector motor with thermistor (SF-V5RUT/A) and FR-A7AZ, motor temperature monitoring
is available from PU, DU, terminal AM, terminal FM, RS-485 communication, output options and communication options. (For
the details, refer to the Instruction Manual of FR-A7AZ. )
Refer to the following when monitoring motor temperature from communications.
(7) Acceleration/deceleration time switching frequency (Pr.147)
The changes apply to the December 2011 production or later.
When output frequency reaches Pr. 147 Acceleration/deceleration time switching frequency or higher, the acceleration/
deceleration time automatically switches to Pr. 44 Second acceleration/deceleration time and Pr. 45 Second deceleration time
settings. (Refer to page 172)
(8) USB automatic recognition (Pr. 551 PU mode operation command source selection = "9999")
The initial value of Pr. 551 PU mode operation command source selection has been changed from "2" to "9999".
The changes apply to the December 2011 production or later.
The inverter can automatically recognize the USB connection and switch the command source during PU operation mode.
(Refer to page 322)
(9) X83 signal (0V voltage calibration request) and Y83 signal (during 0V voltage calibration)
The changes apply to the December 2011 production or later.
The inverter is compatible with the FR-A7AD plug-in option. X83 signal (0V voltage calibration request) and Y83 signal (during
0V voltage calibration) are added for 0V voltage calibration of high speed analog output. (For the details, refer to the Instruction
Manual of FR-A7AD.)
Communications Monitor reading
Mitsubishi inverter protocol
(computer link communication)
Special monitor selection No. write data: H2E
Modbus-RTU communication Register: 40246
Communication option
FR-A7NC (CC-Link) Monitor code: H2E
FR-A7NL (LonWorks) nviInvMonCode: H002E
FR-A7ND (DeviceNet) Class: 0x80, Instance: 1, Attribute: 56
FR-A7NP (Profibus)
PPO type support specification PNU: P1.46
(PNU number 1, Sub-Index number 46)
PPO type non-support specification IND: 0000H PNU: 2DH
FR-A7NF (FL remote) H100001EA