Pr. 516 to Pr. 519) .................................................................................................................................... 176
4.12.4 Shortest acceleration/deceleration and optimum acceleration/deceleration
(automatic acceleration/deceleration) (Pr. 61 to Pr. 63, Pr. 292, Pr. 293)................................................ 180
4.13 Selection and protection of a motor 183
4.13.1 Motor protection from overheat (Electronic thermal relay function) (Pr. 9, Pr. 51) ................................... 183
4.13.2 Applied motor (Pr. 71, Pr. 450)................................................................................................................. 187
4.13.3 Offline auto tuning (Pr. 71, Pr. 80 to Pr. 84, Pr. 90 to Pr. 94, Pr. 96, Pr. 450,
Pr. 453 to Pr. 463, Pr. 684, Pr. 859, Pr. 860) ........................................................................................ 189
4.13.4 Online auto tuning (Pr. 95, Pr. 574) ...................................................................................................... 199
4.14 Motor brake and stop operation 203
4.14.1 DC injection brake and zero speed control, servo lock (LX signal, X13 signal,
Pr. 10 to Pr. 12, Pr. 802, Pr. 850) ............................................................................................................. 203
4.14.2 Selection of regenerative brake and DC feeding (Pr. 30, Pr. 70) ............................................................. 207
4.14.3 Stop selection (Pr. 250) ............................................................................................................................ 213
4.14.4 Stop-on contact control function (Pr. 6, Pr. 48, Pr. 270, Pr. 275, Pr. 276) ............................................... 214
4.14.5 Brake sequence function (Pr. 278 to Pr. 285, Pr. 292)............................................................................. 217
4.14.6 Orientation control (Pr. 350 to Pr. 366, Pr. 369, Pr. 393, Pr. 396 to Pr. 399) ........................................ 220
4.15 Function assignment of external terminal and control 231
4.15.1 Input terminal function selection (Pr. 178 to Pr. 189)................................................................................ 231
4.15.2 Inverter output shutoff signal (MRS signal, Pr. 17)................................................................................... 234
4.15.3 Condition selection of function validity by the second function selection signal (RT) and
third function selection signal (X9) (RT signal, X9 signal, Pr. 155)........................................................... 235
4.15.4 Start signal operation selection (STF, STR, STOP signal, Pr. 250) ......................................................... 236
4.15.5 Magnetic flux decay output shutoff signal (X74 signal) ............................................................................ 238
4.15.6 Output terminal function selection (Pr. 190 to Pr. 196)............................................................................. 239
4.15.7 Detection of output frequency (SU, FU, FU2 , FU3, FB, FB2, FB3, LS signal,
Pr. 41 to Pr. 43, Pr. 50, Pr. 116, Pr. 865).................................................................................................. 246
4.15.8 Output current detection function
(Y12 signal, Y13 signal, Pr. 150 to Pr. 153, Pr. 166, Pr. 167) .................................................................. 248
4.15.9 Detection of output torque (TU signal, Pr. 864)........................................................................................ 249
4.15.10 Remote output function (REM signal, Pr. 495 to Pr. 497)......................................................................... 250
4.16 Monitor display and monitor output signal 251
4.16.1 Speed display and speed setting (Pr. 37, Pr. 144, Pr. 505, Pr. 811)........................................................ 251
4.16.2 DU/PU, FM, AM terminal monitor display selection (Pr. 52, Pr. 54, Pr. 158, Pr. 170,
Pr. 171, Pr. 268, Pr. 563, Pr. 564, Pr. 891)............................................................................................... 253
4.16.3 Reference of the terminal FM (pulse train output) and AM (analog voltage
output) (Pr. 55, Pr. 56, Pr. 291, Pr. 866, Pr. 867) ..................................................................................... 259
4.16.4 Terminal FM, AM calibration (Calibration parameter C0 (Pr. 900), C1 (Pr. 901))..................................... 263
4.17 Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure 266
4.17.1 Automatic restart after instantaneous power failure/flying start
(Pr. 57, Pr. 58, Pr. 162 to Pr. 165, Pr. 299, Pr. 611)................................................................................. 266
4.17.2 Power failure-time deceleration-to-stop function (Pr. 261 to Pr. 266, Pr. 294 )........................................ 270
4.18 Operation setting at fault occurrence 273
4.18.1 Retry function (Pr. 65, Pr. 67 to Pr. 69) .................................................................................................... 273
4.18.2 Fault code output selection (Pr. 76).......................................................................................................... 275
4.18.3 Input/output phase loss protection selection (Pr. 251, Pr. 872)................................................................ 276
4.18.4 Overspeed detection (Pr. 374).................................................................................................................. 276
4.18.5 Encoder signal loss detection (Pr. 376) ................................................................................................... 276
4.18.6 Fault definition (Pr. 875) ........................................................................................................................... 277
4.19 Energy saving operation and energy saving monitor 278
4.19.1 Energy saving control (Pr. 60) ................................................................................................................. 278
4.19.2 Energy saving monitor (Pr. 891 to Pr. 899) .............................................................................................. 279
4.20 Motor noise, EMI measures 284
4.20.1 PWM carrier frequency and Soft-PWM control (Pr. 72, Pr. 240) .............................................................. 284
4.21 Frequency/torque setting by analog input (terminal 1, 2, 4) 285
4.21.1 Function assignment of analog input terminal (Pr. 858, Pr. 868).............................................................. 285
4.21.2 Analog input selection (Pr. 73, Pr. 267).................................................................................................... 286
4.21.3 Analog input compensation (Pr. 73, Pr. 242, Pr. 243, Pr. 252, Pr. 253)................................................... 290
4.21.4 Response level of analog input and noise elimination