Terminal Firmware Update
Upgrade Now Dialog Box
When you Click “Upgrade Now!” button, the confirm dialog box will
When the upgrade procedure is finished, the system will ask to be restarted,
click Yes.
To complete update of the Windows CE Registry, press F2 at the Session
Manager screen, select the General Tab, check Reset the terminal to
factory-default settings, then press Enter. The terminal will re-boot. You
can begin to use the terminal; or reset to defaults again (required when going
from CE2.0 to CE3.0).
Auto Upgrade/Configuration initiated via custom DHCP tags (See
Appendix B):
The OmniTerm may be automatically updated/configured if you configure DHCP
to pass custom tags to the client. When powered on, this will occur when a newer
version is detected. To use this feature, in Network Properties insure that
Obtain an IP address from a DHCP server is enabled and that all FTP options
are enabled under Advanced DHCP. The DHCP options must be setup as
described in Appendix B.
Upgrade Firmware Dialog Box
Click Yes to reboot WBT for upgrade or wait for timeout.