Wireless Network Configuration
Chapter 10 - Wireless Network Configuration
10.1 - Wireless Networking Concepts
The OmniTerm supports 802.11b wireless networking using Cisco 350 series
PCMCIA adapters. Additional 802.11b vendor support will be added to the terminal
as drivers become available.
When using the wireless adapter, the OmniTerm can connect to your wireless
infrastructure and participate in you LAN. The wireless standard 802.11b supports up
to 11Mbit data rate which provides performance equal to most wired
IMPORTANT NOTE: Wired and wireless Ethernet connections should NEVER be
connected simultaneously. Do not connect both wired Ethernet and have the
802.11b wireless PCMCIA card inserted at the same time.
10.2 - Install Wireless PCMCIA Card
After turning off the terminal, insert the wireless PCMCIA card into the PCMCIA slot
in the back of the OmniTerm. The card must be inserted with the bottom of the
PCMCIA card facing the Ethernet port and the top of the PCMCIA card facing the
plastic bezel of the terminal.
PCMCIA board