Wireless Network Configuration
10.3 - Configure Wireless Settings
The wireless settings are configured via the Network program located in the
Devices Tab of the Terminal Properties panel. SSID, WEP and other wireless
security settings are set within the configuration screens which follow.
If your organization broadcasts the SSID and does not have WEP enabled (no
security enabled on your network), there is nothing to configure. The terminal will
auto-detect the network and does not require configuration.
To configure you wireless settings, start at the Terminal Manager screen, then
press F2 to go to then Terminal Properties panel. Click the Devices tab then
double click the Network icon.
Terminal Properties "Devices" Panel
After you double click the Network icon, you will be presented with the Network
Connections Panel. If the wireless card has been detected, it will be listed among
available network connections. Double click the icon labeled “Cisco1”.
Network Connections Panel