7-2SectionCPM2B Test Run Procedure
7-1 Initial System Checks and Test Run Procedure
7-1-1 Initial System Checks
Check the following items after setting up and wiring the CPM2B, but before per-
forming a test run.
Item Points to check
Power supply and
I/O connections
Is the wiring correct?
Are the terminals securely tightened?
Are there any shorts between crimp terminals or wires?
Refer to 3-5 Wiring and Connections for details.
Connecting cables Are the cables all connected correctly and locked?
Refer to 3-5 Wiring and Connections for details.
Always clear memory before beginning to program the CPM2B. Although
memory is cleared before the CPU Board is shipped, the contents of the DM,
HR, AR, and counter areas may change in transit.
When a CPU Board without a clock is being used and the contents of DM have
been cleared, battery error detection must be disabled in the PC Setup by setting
the leftmost digit of DM 6655 to 1.
See 1-3-3 Operating Mode at Startup to determine what mode the CPM2B will
enter when the power is turned on.
7-1-2 Flash Memory Precautions
Observe the following precautions to protect the flash memory and ensure
proper operation.
1, 2, 3... 1. If changes are made in the read-only DM area (DM 6144 through DM 6599)
or PC Setup (DM 6600 through DM 6655), the PC’s operating mode must be
changed to write the new contents to flash memory. If backup battery is re-
placed before the changes are written to flash memory, the changes will be
The changes can be saved by switching the CPM2B to RUN or MONITOR
mode or turning the CPM2B OFF and then ON again.
2. When contents of the program, read-only DM (DM 6144 through DM 6599),
or PC Setup (DM 6600 through DM 6655) have been changed, startup proc-
essing will take up to 1,200 ms longer than usual. Be sure to take this one-
time startup delay into account if it may affect operations.
3. If one of the following three operations is performed in MONITOR or RUN
mode, the CPM2B’s cycle time will be extended by up to 1,200 ms and inter-
rupts will be disabled while the program or PC Setup is being overwritten.
• Program changes with the online edit operation
• Changes to the read-only DM area (DM 6144 through DM 6599)
• Changes to the PC Setup (DM 6600 through DM 6655)
A “SCAN TIME OVER” error won’t occur during these operations. Be sure to
take this delay in the CPM2B’s I/O response times into account when per-
forming online editing.
7-2 CPM2B Test Run Procedure
1, 2, 3... 1. Power Supply Application
a) Check the CPM2B’s power supply voltage and terminal connections.
b) Check the I/O devices’ power supply voltage and terminal connections.
c) Turn on the power supply and check that the “PWR” indicator lights.
Clearing Memory
Operating Mode at