4-4SectionAR Area
Word(s) FunctionBit(s)
AR 08
00 to 03 RS-232C Port Error Code (1-digit BCD)
0: Normal completion
1: Parity error
2: Frame error
3: Overrun error
04 RS-232C Communications Error Flag
Turns ON when an RS-232C port communications error occurs.
05 RS-232C Transmit Ready Flag
Turns ON when the PC is ready to transmit data. (No-protocol and Host Link only)
06 RS-232C Reception Completed Flag
Turns ON when the PC has completed reading data. (No-protocol only)
07 RS-232C Reception Overflow Flag
Turns ON when an overflow has occurred. (No-protocol only)
08 to 11 Peripheral Port Error Code (1-digit BCD)
0: Normal completion
1: Parity error
2: Frame error
3: Overrun error
12 Peripheral Port Communications Error Flag
Turns ON when a peripheral port communications error occurs.
13 Peripheral Port Transmit Ready Flag
Turns ON when the PC is ready to transmit data. (No-protocol and Host Link only)
14 Peripheral Port Reception Completed Flag
Turns ON when the PC has completed reading data. (No-protocol only)
15 Peripheral Port Reception Overflow Flag
Turns ON when an overflow has occurred. (No-protocol only)
AR 09 00 to 15 RS-232C Port Reception Counter (4-digit BCD)
Valid only when no-protocol communications are used.
AR 10 00 to 15 Peripheral Port Reception Counter (4-digit BCD)
Valid only when no-protocol communications are used.