4-5SectionPC Setup
Word(s) FunctionBit(s)
DM 6616
00 to 07 Servicing time for RS-232C port (Effective when bits 08 to 15 are set to 01.)
00 to 99 (BCD): Percentage of cycle time used to service RS-232C port.
08 to 15 RS-232C port servicing setting enable
00: 5% of the cycle time
01: Use time in bits 00 to 07.
DM 6617
00 to 07 Servicing time for peripheral port (Effective when bits 08 to 15 are set to 01.)
00 to 99 (BCD): Percentage of cycle time used to service peripheral.
08 to 15 Peripheral port servicing setting enable
00: 5% of the cycle time
01: Use time in bits 00 to 07.
DM 6618
00 to 07 Cycle monitor time (Effective when bits 08 to 15 are set to 01, 02, or 03.)
00 to 99 (BCD): Setting (See bits 08 to 15, below.)
A fatal error will be generated and PC operation will stop if the cycle time exceeds the cycle mon-
itor time set here.
08 to 15 Cycle monitor enable (Setting in 00 to 07 × units; 99 s max.)
00: 120 ms (setting in bits 00 to 07 disabled)
01: Setting units: 10 ms
02: Setting units: 100 ms
03: Setting units: 1 s
DM 6619 00 to 15 Minimum cycle time
0000: Variable (no minimum)
0001 to 9999 (BCD): Minimum time in ms
Interrupt Processing (DM 6620 to DM 6639)
The following settings are effective after transfer to the PC the next time operation is started.
DM 6620
00 to 03 Input time constant for IR 00000 to IR 00002
0: 10 ms; 1: 1 ms; 2: 2 ms; 3: 3 ms; 4: 5 ms; 5: 10 ms; 6: 20 ms; 7: 40 ms; 8: 80 ms
04 to 07 Input time constant for IR 00003 and IR 00004 (Setting same as bits 00 to 03)
08 to 11 Input time constant for IR 00005 and IR 00006 (Setting same as bits 00 to 03)
12 to 15 Input time constant for IR 00007 to IR 00011 (Setting same as bits 00 to 03)
DM 6621
00 to 07 Input time constant for IR 001
00: 10 ms 01: 1 ms 02: 2 ms 03: 3 ms 04: 5 ms
05: 10 ms 06: 20 ms 07: 40 ms 08: 80 ms
08 to 15 Input constant for IR 002 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
DM 6622
00 to 07 Input constant for IR 003 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
08 to 15 Input constant for IR 004 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
DM 6623
00 to 07 Input constant for IR 005 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
08 to 15 Input constant for IR 006 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
DM 6624
00 to 07 Input constant for IR 007 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
08 to 15 Input constant for IR 008 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
DM 6625
00 to 07 Input constant for IR 009 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
08 to 15 Not used.
DM 6626 to
DM 6627
00 to 15 Not used.
00 to 03 Interrupt enable for IR 00003 (0: Normal input; 1: Interrupt input; 2: Quick-response)
04 to 07 Interrupt enable for IR 00004 (0: Normal input; 1: Interrupt input; 2: Quick-response)
08 to 11 Interrupt enable for IR 00005 (0: Normal input; 1: Interrupt input; 2: Quick-response)
12 to 15 Interrupt enable for IR 00006 (0: Normal input; 1: Interrupt input; 2: Quick-response)
DM 6629
00 to 03 PV coordinate system for pulse output 0
0: Relative coordinates; 1: Absolute coordinates
04 to 07 PV coordinate system for pulse output 1
0: Relative coordinates; 1: Absolute coordinates
08 to 15 Not used.
DM 6630 to
DM 6641
00 to 15 Not used.