Configuration Option Tables
7986-A2-GB20-00September 1998
Network Interface Options Menu
For Network Interface Options, refer to Table A-1. To access the Network
Interface Options screen, follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Current Configuration
main/config/network Hotwire
Model: 7986
Margin Threshold: –3db
Excessive Error Rate Threshold: 1E–6
AutoRate Disable
DSL Line Rate 144
Peer IP Address: Clear
Circuit Identifier:
Ctrl-a to access these functions, ESC for previous menu M
ainMenu Exit
Table A-1. Network Interface Options (1 of 2)
Margin Threshold
Possible Settings: –5db, –4db, –3db, –2db, –1db, 0db, 1db, 2db, 3db, 4db, 5db, 6db,
7db, 8db, 9db, 10db
Default Setting: 0db
Determines the level, expressed in decibels, at which a signal-to-noise margin condition
is recognized.
–5db to 10db – Sets the margin threshold to this value.
Excessive Error Rate Threshold
Possible Settings: 1E–4, 1E–5, 1E–6, 1E–7, 1E–8, 1E–9
Default Setting: 1E–6
Determines the error rate at which an excessive error rate (EER) condition is
recognized. The rate is the ratio of the number of CRC errors to the number of bits
received in a certain period.
AutoRate (LTU only)
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable
Specifies whether the DSL line will automatically train up to the best rate or be user
selectable. This option is only available when the standalone unit is configured as an
Enable – The LTU is set to automatically adjust at the best line rate.
Disable – The LTU Line rate is user selectable and is based on the DSL Line Rate