
7. Configuring the Printer
The printer must be properly configured before you can print.
Connecting the Printer
Consult your
Equipment Manual
to connect your printer to a
Online Communication Requirements
The 9401 and 9402 printers come equipped with a 9-pin
RS-232 communications port for online operation. See "Cable
Interface" at the end of this chapter for pin assignments.
You need to set the printer’s communication values to match
the values at the host.
You must define five values to ensure reliable communication
between the printer and the host. The values and selectable
options are listed below.
Option Values Default
Baud rate 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200 2400
Word length Seven (7), eight (8) Eight (8)
Stop bits One (1), two (2) One (1)
Parity None, Odd, Even (None)
Flow control None, Xon/Xoff, DTR DTR
Refer to the definitions on the next page if you need
assistance determining communication settings.
Configuring the Printer