
12. You can alter space between characters. This space is
measured in dots (1/192 inch). Write the number of dots
(0 to 99) in box T7. Enter 0 for default character spacing.
Any number other than 0 or the default number will affect
your field width.
Default spacing is
Standard 3 dots
Reduced 1 dot
Bold 3 dots
OCRA-like 3 dots
The character width chart earlier in this chapter reflects
default spacing.
13. Write 1, 2, 3, or 4 in box T8 to indicate your font selection.
Refer to the table earlier in this chapter for samples.
1 Standard font
2 Reduced font
3 Bold font
4 OCRA-like font
14. Write a number from 1 to 7 in box T9 to indicate the
number of times to magnify character
. Refer to the
table on page 2-16. Enter 1 to use the standard size.
15. Write a number from 1 to 7 in box T10 to indicate the
number of times to magnify character
. Refer to the
table on page 2-17. Enter 1 to use the standard size.
Designing a Format
2. Designing a Format