The following symbols punctuate packets.
Symbol Description
{ Left brace starts a packet.
} Right brace ends a packet.
Split vertical bar ends a record.
, Comma separates items within records.
"ABC" Enclose character strings in quotation marks.
Empty quotes ("") identify null strings or unused
fields. The printer ignores spaces, except
within these character strings. Do not embed
comments within a quoted string. To represent
non-printing characters in the string, use a
tilde ( ~ ) followed by a 3-digit ASCII code in
a quoted string.
‘comment‘ Grave accents enclose comments. Any data
enclosed in grave accents will be ignored.
Do not put comments in a character string.
You can also used this convention to reject
mainframe data.
{Begin packet record 1, parameter, parameter
record 2, parameter, parameter
record 3, parameter, parameter
record 4, parameter, parameter }
NOTE: You should break packets longer than 130
characters into multiple lines, each less than 130
9401/9402 System Administrator’s Guide