
857 Illegal command in the script. Your script may include
commands that have been removed from the ADK2
scripting language.
858 Check sum error. Each packet has a four-digit
checksum at the beginning of the packet. Compile the
script again using the ADK2 software.
859 Script download buffer overflow. The image buffer is
used as the SCRATCH buffer. Increase the size of the
image buffer.
900 RAM test failure.
901 ROM/EPROM checksum failure.
902 Software timer failure.
903 Software interrupt failure.
905 Illegal interrupt.
906 Non-maskable interrupt. Check format packet for font
clear or format clear packets.
907 Low RAM error.
908 Non Volatile RAM checksum failure.
909 RAM corrupted.
910 Warm restart.
911 Version string mismatch.
Errors numbered 900-911 occur when you turn on the printer.
They may indicate a circuit board failure. Errors numbered
930-940 are errors that may occur during the loading of flash
memory. Errors numbered 950-999 indicate a circuit board
failure. Call Technical Support if you receive any of these
Diagnostics and Errors