D4. decimals Number of digits to the right of the decimal. Options:
0 No digits
1 One digit
2 Two digits (default)
3 Three digits
Prints the dollar sign, uses a secondary symbol, and places two
digits to the right of the decimal.
Defining the Control Characters Packet
Use the control characters packet (E) to change the MPCLII
control characters, enable and disable the immediate commands,
and change the default terminator character for job requests and
Changes take effect with the first character following the end of
header character } of the configuration packet. Each control
character must be unique and cannot appear anywhere else in
your packet, except within quotation marks. You can customize
the trailer characters to work with your host.
Wait two seconds for the new characters to
take effect before sending packets using the
new characters.
Use the following syntax for the control characters packet. Notice
all but the first parameter are within quotation marks.
Configuring the Printer