
B5. supply_posn -300 to 300 in 1/203 inch. 0 is the default. Adjusts the
machine to print at the vertical 0,0 point on the supply. This
adjustment accounts for mechanical tolerances from machine
to machine. The supply position adjustment only needs to be
made on the initial machine setup. Adjust the supply position
if formats do not start at the 0,0 point on the supply. Increase
the supply position to move print up, decrease to move print
down on the label. To verify the 0,0 point, print a test label.
See "Printing a Test Label" in Chapter 8 for more information.
You can not change the supply position while the printer is
active. Changing the supply position will affect the print
position, dispense position, and backfeed distance. Once the
supply position is set, use the print control packet and
backfeed control packet to adjust printing and the dispense
B6. cut_posn -300 to 300 in 1/203 inch. Use 0 for 9403/9825. Adjusts
where the tag is cut. The printer adjusts the cut position
according to the black marks on the supply. You may need to
adjust for aperture supplies. Increase to move the cut up,
decrease to move the cut down.
B7. skip_index Skip index. The 9403 printer does not support skip index
mode. Options:
0 Disable skip index mode (default)
1 Enable skip mode. Allows the printer to skip a sense mark
and print an image over multiple labels.
Indicates black mark and thermal direct stock has been loaded,
causes the printer to operate in on-demand mode, feeds the
supply approximately .05 inches up before printing the format on
each label (10/203 inches), feeds the supply .25 inches (50/203
inches) before cutting, and enables skip index mode.
Configuring the Printer