Chapter 6: Settings
Tools Menu
Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows Mobile 6.1) User Manual 233 Driver Mode Configuration
By default, the Wireless WAN driver is enabled (the Enable driver checkbox is checked).
The driver must be disabled in order to access the modem directly (e.g. dial-up data, fax, or
in order to manually submit AT commands to the modem for development, testing, approv-
als, etc.). In most cases, the Virtual WWAN serial port can be used and it is not necessary to
disable the WWAN driver. If the Enable driver checkbox is not checked, the driver is shut
down as soon as the OK button in the Driver Mode dialog box tapped.
If, on the other hand, the Wireless WAN driver is not running and the Enable driver check-
box is checked, the Wireless WAN driver is started as soon the Driver Mode dialog box is
closed using the OK button.
Since all currently supported modems are automatically detected, the Enable automatic port
detection checkbox should always be checked. If this checkbox is not checked, a serial port
can be selected manually. This experimental feature allows the driver to be used with an in-
ternal GSM modem that was not recognized by the automatic detection or an external GSM
modem connected to a serial port of the computer through USB or through Bluetooth. An
external modem connected to a serial port must support 115.2kbit/s, 8bit, no parity and hard-
ware flow control. Modem Information
The fields in this dialog box cannot be edited – they only display information about the Ikôn
modem. If the network operator has not programmed a user’s phone number into the SIM,
Note: When the driver is not running, no network status or signal strength can be