C-20 Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows Mobile 6.1) User Manual
Appendix C: Teklogix Imagers Applet
Translation Tab – Configuring Rules
C.4.15 Translation Tab – Configuring Rules
Translation rules enable the automatic processing of bar code data. Up to 10 cases can be de-
fined, each consisting of up to 10 sequential rules.
• Tap on Start>Settings>System tab.
• Tap on the Teklogix Imagers icon, and then tap on the Translation tab.
For instructions on adding, editing, and removing translation rules, refer to the “Translations
Tab” on page 180.
C.4.16 Advanced Tab
C.4.16.1 File Locations For Captured Images
To configure the location for saved images, open the dialog box as follows:
• Tap on Start>Settings>System tab.
• Tap on the Teklogix Imagers icon, and then tap on the Translation tab.
To define the location where imager files will be stored:
Note: Changes made to the translations configuration using the Teklogix Scanner Con-
trol Panel program are synchronized with changes made here. Changes made in
either place affect both translation tables.