Appendix D: Bar Codes Settings
RSS Code (Reduced Space Symbology)
Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows Mobile 6.1) User Manual D-41
Check Digit Verification
When enabled, this parameter checks the integrity of an I 2 of 5 symbol to ensure it complies
with a specified algorithm – either USS (Uniform Symbology Specification) or OPCC (Op-
tical Product Code Council).
Include Check
If this parameter is enabled, the check digit is transmitted along with the I 2 of 5 symbol.
Length Restriction
Refer to “Length Restriction” on page D-8 for details.
Add/Remove Data
Refer to “Add/Remove Data” on page D-9 for details.
D.4.11 RSS Code (Reduced Space Symbology)
Setting this parameter to on enables “RSS Code” scanning capability.
Length Restriction
Refer to “Length Restriction” on page D-8 for details.
Add/Remove Data
Refer to “Add/Remove Data” on page D-9 for details.
D.4.12 Composite
Set this parameter to on to enable “Composite” bar codes.
D.4.13 PDF-417
Setting this parameter to on enables PDF-417 two dimensional (2D) coding.
Important: To successfully read this type of bar code, the two types of
symbologies included in a composite bar code must be enabled.