Chapter 9: Security Management
Option Description
Timer Lockout
Users are denied access to the system for the
specified amount of time after exceeding the
specified number of unsuccessful login attempts.
When selected, the following fields are enabled:
Attempts - The number of unsuccessful login
attempts after which the user will be locked
out. The valid range is 1 - 10 and the default
is 3 attempts.
Lockout Time - The amount of time for which
the user will be locked out. The valid range is
1 - 1440 minutes and the default is 5 minutes.
Note: Users in the role of Administrator are
exempt from the timer lockout settings.
Deactivate User-ID
When selected, this option specifies that the user
will be locked out of the system after the number
of failed login attempts specified in the Failed
Attempts field:
Failed Attempts - The number of unsuccessful
login attempts after which the user's User-ID
will be deactivated. This field is enabled when
the Deactivate User-ID option is selected. The
valid range is 1 - 10.
When a user-ID is deactivated after the specified number of failed
attempts, the administrator must change the user password and activate
the user account by selecting the Active checkbox on the User page.
Encryption & Share
Using the Encryption & Share settings you can specify the type of
encryption used, PC and VM share modes, and the type of reset
performed when the Dominion KX II Reset button is pressed.
WARNING: If you select an encryption mode that is not supported by
your browser, you will not be able to access the Dominion KX II from
your browser.
1. Choose one of the options from the Encryption Mode drop-down list.
When an encryption mode is selected, a warning appears, stating
that if your browser does not support the selected mode, you will not
be able to connect to the Dominion KX II. The warning states "When
the Encryption Mode is specified please ensure that your browser
supports this encryption mode; otherwise you will not be able to
connect to the Dominion KX II."